Mayor Calais called the meeting to order, the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance were recited.
Monthly budget-to-actual comparisons on the General Funds, Sales Tax Funds, Park and Recreation Fund and Utility Funds were distributed to the councilmen and Mayor.
PRESENT: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Albert Menard, Neil Melancon and Eddy Leblanc.
Absent: None
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the addition of the following item to the agenda:
Item #13: Enter into executive session regarding ongoing litigation involving the issue with Armentine Cove.
Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the minutes of the Council Meeting of November 12, 2024.
An update on progress to the audit findings was provided to the Council.
An update on the rule to show cause for 403 11th Street was provided to the Council.
Upon motion of Scotty Borel, duly seconded by Neil Melancon that the homeowner’s be given until the next council meeting, January 14, 2025, to provide to the Council a scope of work to be done on the property to bring it up to code.
The annual City Audit Report was given by City auditor, Russell Champagne.
The “Life Saving Award” and “Beyond the Call of Duty Award” were presented by Chief LeBlanc to officer Andrew Wilson for his life-saving actions both on and off duty.
Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and carried, with Alderman Melancon abstaining from the vote, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance #2307 (An ordinance to rezone lots to a I-2 Zoning District, as described in Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, the Zoning Ordinance, at Sec. 23-5.15, the portions of the following lots, only to the extent located within a R-1 Zoning District prior to the adoption of this ordinance, which lots are identified by the St. Martin Parish Assessor as Parcel ID Nos. 06901L2230, 06901L2223, 06901L2021, 06901L2020, 06901L1919 & approximately 60 feet of 06901L1615 all of which are located within the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge; and further to amend the official zoning map of the City of Breaux Bridge, as provided for in Sec. 23-3.3, to reflect same; and matters related thereto and in furtherance thereof.)
An ordinance to rezone lots to a I-2 Zoning District, as described in Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, the Zoning Ordinance, at Sec. 23-5.15, the portions of the following lots, only to the extent located within a R-1 Zoning District prior to the adoption of this ordinance, which lots are identified by the St. Martin Parish Assessor as Parcel ID Nos. 06901L2230, 06901L2223, 06901L2021, 06901L2020, 06901L1919 & approximately 60 feet of 06901L1615 all of which are located within the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge; and further to amend the official zoning map of the City of Breaux Bridge, as provided for in Sec. 23-3.3, to reflect same; and matters related thereto and in furtherance thereof.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Alderman for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana duly convened in regular session on the 10th day of December, 2024, that:
The regulations for the I-2 Zoning District, as set forth Chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances, the Zoning Ordinance, at Sec. 23-5.11, as may be amended from time to time, shall hereafter apply to the following lots, only to the extent said lots were located within a R-1 Zoning District prior to the adoption of this ordinance, which lots are identified by the St. Martin Parish Assessor as Parcel ID Nos. 06901L2230, 06901L2223, 06901L2021, 06901L2020, 06901L1919 & approximately 60 feet of 06901L1615, all of which are located within the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, that the City Clerk of the City of Breaux Bridge is hereby directed to file with the Chairman of the Planning Commission a copy of this ordinance that amends the official zoning map of the City of Breaux Bridge within thirty (30) days after the adoption of said ordinance.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, that the City Clerk of the City of Breaux Bridge is hereby directed to have recorded the district boundary changes made pursuant to this ordinance on the official zoning map of the City of Breaux Bridge, together with the number of the amending ordinance, and the date of its passage, within thirty (30) days after the adoption of said ordinance.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, that all other ordinances and provisions of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, that are in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent any such conflict exists.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, that the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable, and if any provision, word, phrase, or clause of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Board of Alderman for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, duly convened in regular session on the 10th day of December, 2024, that this ordinance shall become effective upon signature of the Mayor of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, the lapse of ten (10) days after receipt of the Mayor of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana without signature or veto, or upon an override of a veto, whichever occurs first.
UPON MOTION of Albert Menard, seconded by Ryan Breaux, and upon verification and assurance that the foregoing ordinance was:
- Introduced on October 8, 2024, at the regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Alderman for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana;
- Presented at public hearing before the Planning Commission held on the 3rd day of December, 2024,
- Disseminated to the Mayor and all Aldermen, along with Planning Commission’s report and recommendation upon the proposed changes;
- Published, by title, in the official journal of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, together with the notice of the time and place of its consideration for formal adoption; and
- Presented at a public hearing held on the 3rd day of December, 2024,
The Board of Aldermen, on the 10th day of December, 2024, adopted Ordinance Number 2307 by virtue of the following votes:
YEAS: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Albert Menard, Eddy LeBlanc
NAYS: None
ABSENTIONS: Neil Melancon
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Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Alber Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the following regarding Parc Ridge Subdivision:
- Approval of Parc Ridge Development, LLC’s submission of proposal for Act of Dedication to the City
- Approval of Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Parc Ridge Development, LLC’s Dedication by the City and grant of authority for Mayor to execute same on behalf of the City
- Approval and acceptance of Parc Ridge Development, LLC and J. Breaux Enterprises, LLC’s request to the City to accept the Phase 1 subdivision improvements as completed
- Approval of City Engineer’s determination of amount for the construction costs of the Phase 2 subdivision improvements for purposes of warranty and maintenance agreements an maintenance bonds; approval Initial Two Year Warranty and Maintenance Agreement between City and Parc Ridge Development, LLC and J. Breaux Enterprises, LLC and grant of authority for Mayor to execute same on behalf of the City
- Approval and acceptance of maintenance bonds for first year and second year of Initial Two Year Warranty and Maintenance Agreement between City and Parc Ridge Development, LLC and J. Breaux Enterprises.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard the Board of Aldermen introduced Ordinance #2308 (An ordinance to amend Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances by the repeal, amendment, revision, enactment, and/or re-enactment of Sections 19-50(a), regarding acceptance of improvements, warranty and maintenance agreements, bonds or irrevocable letter of credit, and matters related thereto.)
Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Alderman entered Executive Session to discuss the ongoing litigation regarding Armentine Cove.
Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Scotty Borel and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen exited Executive Session.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the purchase of the property west of Armentine Cove at market value or less.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen adjourned the meeting.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Kristi Leblanc Ricky J. Calais
City Clerk Mayor