April 2022


6:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2022.

Mayor Ricky Calais called the meeting to order, the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance were recited.

Present:  Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Ernest “E.J.” Ledet, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc

Absent:  None

Monthly budget-to-actual comparisons on the General Funds, Sales Tax Funds, Park and Recreation Fund, and Utility Funds were distributed to the councilmen and Mayor.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Eddy LeBlanc and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the following addition to the agenda:

            Item #9 – Acceptance of Belle Terre Lift Station Generator

Upon motion of Eddy LeBlanc, duly seconded by Scotty Borel and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the minutes of the March 8, 2022 regular meeting.

Upon motion of Ernest “E.J. Ledet, duly seconded by Scotty Borel and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the minutes of the March 15,  2022 special meeting.

Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen adopted the millage rates of 4.230 mills for the 2022 tax year by way of the following resolution.



            BE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage(s) are hereby levied on the 2022 tax roll on all property subject to taxation by the City of Breaux Bridge:



            General Alimony                                            4.230 mills 5140001


            BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper administrative officials of the Parish of St. Martin, State of Louisiana, be and they are hereby empowered, authorized, and directed to spread said taxes, as hereinabove set forth, upon the assessment roll of said Parish for the year 2022, and to make the collection of the taxes imposed for and on behalf of the taxing authority, according to law, and that the taxes herein levied shall become a permanent lien and privilege on all property subject to taxation as herein set forth, and collection thereof shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

            The foregoing resolution was read in full, the roll was called on the adoption thereof, and the resolution was adopted by the following votes:

            YEAS: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Ernest “E.J.” Ledet, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc

            NAYS:  None 

            ABSTAINED: None 

            ABSENT:  None


            I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted at the board meeting held on April 12, 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting.

            Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, this 13th day of April, 2022.


__________________________                                            ________________________
Kristi LeBlanc, City Clerk                                                      Ricky Calais, Mayor 

Upon motion of Eddy LeBlanc, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen accepted the Belle Terre Lift Station Generator.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Neil Melancon and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen adjourned the meeting.

___________________________                                          ____________________________
Kristi LeBlanc, CMC                                                             Ricky J. Calais
City Clerk                                                                               Mayor

Proceedings of the meeting of the Board of Adjustments of the City of Breaux Bridge held at the City Hall, 101 Berard Street, at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Neil Melancon and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen opened the meeting to consider the appeal from property at 650 St. Charles Street, concerning the City’s denial of a permit for an accessory building.

The board of Aldermen unanimously elected Eddie LeBlanc as chair-person for the Board of Adjustments.

Jeremy Broussard, Planning and Zoning Director, discussed and explained that the request of an accessory building at 650 St. Charles Street violated city ordinances and therefore was denied.  The ordinances in violation are: Ordinance Sec. 23-4.19, 23-4.25, 23-4.27, and 23-5.3. these ordinances here passed by the City Council by Ordinance No. 2232, 8-8-2017, No. 2247, 

10-9-2018, No. 2267, 12-8-2020 and No. 2273, 12-14-2021.

Bart Hebert, City Attorney, explained to the Board of Adjustments that the decision can be tabled, ask for more information, take the time to review all of the documents concerning this appeal. Mr. Hebert also suggested that if the Board of Adjustments would consider making a variance, the Board take it under advisement so the variance would be under the circumstances.

Mr. Nick Chauffe discussed and explained that the request of an accessory building at 

650 St. Charles Street was a lack of process. Mr. Chauffe continued to say that Mr. Broussard gave him incorrect information.

The Board of Adjustments decided to take this request under advisement.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Neil Melancon and unanimously carried, the Board of Adjustments adjourned the meeting.