Mayor Ricky Calais called the meeting to order, the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance were recited.
Present: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Ernest “E.J.” Ledet, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc
Absent: None
Monthly budget-to-actual comparisons on the General Funds, Sales Tax Funds, Park and Recreation Fund, and Utility Funds were distributed to the councilmen and Mayor.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Eddy LeBlanc and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the minutes of the December 14, 2021 meeting with the following change:
“Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved authorizing Mayor Calais to pursue to purchase of the Pellerin Property located directed adjacent to City Hall, pending proper appraisals.”
Will now read:
“Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Ernest Ledet and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved authorizing Mayor Calais to pursue to purchase of the Pellerin Property located directed adjacent to City Hall, pending proper appraisals.”
Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the renewal of the contract with Acadian Ambulance Services for emergency and non-emergency services for the City of Breaux Bridge for a three (3) year term, beginning on January 12, 2022.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Eddy LeBlanc and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the Planning Committee’s recommendation that the bond for improvements at Parc Ridge Subdivision Phase I be set at $176,000 with a timeframe of up to eighteen (18) months for completion.
Upon motion of Eddy Leblanc, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation to deny the rezoning of lot Parcel ID #06901B1635 located at 601 Parkway Drive from Industrial-1 to Residential-1.
Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen opened a public hearing regarding the rezoning of lots Parcel ID#s: 06901J3228, 06901J3431, 06901J3738, 06901J3541, 06901J3442, 06901J3342, 06901J4348, 06901J4744, 06901J4139 located on Berard Street, Refinery Street and North Main Street from Residential-1 to Commercial-2.
City Attorney Bart Hebert explained that this was a request on behalf of the City to correct the zones in this area. This area is made up mostly of businesses that are currently zoned as Residential and are operating as non-conforming use. This means that if these businesses were to close for a period of one year and one day, another business could not open there without going through the rezoning process. He explained that the rezone of this area to Commercial-2 would not impact the businesses that are currently in this area.
Upon motion of Eddy Leblanc, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen closed the public hearing regarding the rezoning mentioned above.
Upon motion of Eddy Leblanc, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the rezoning of lots Parcel ID#s: 06901J3228, 06901J3431, 06901J3738, 06901J3541, 06901J3442, 06901J3342, 06901J4348, 06901J4744, 06901J4139 located on Berard Street, Refinery Street and North Main Street from Residential-1 to Commercial-2.
Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Ernest Ledet and unanimously carried the Board of Aldermen approved the request by Chief Cantu to hire two patrol officers: Tyler Touchet and Zachary Segura.
Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Neil Melancon and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen adopted a Resolution to Adopt the St. Martin Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan.
City of Breaux Bridge
To adopt the St. Martin Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
WHEREAS, on October 30, 2000, the President signed into law the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000), and
WHEREAS, DMA 2000 amends the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act by, among other things, adding a new section, 322—Mitigation Planning—which places new emphasis on local mitigation planning, and
WHEREAS, Section 322 requires local governments to develop and submit mitigation plans as a condition of receiving Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) project grants, and
WHEREAS, an Interim Final Rule (the Rule) for implementing Section 322 was published in the Federal Register, 44 CFR Parts 201 and 206, on February 26, 2002, with requirements for Local Plans found in Part 201.6, and
WHEREAS, in Louisiana, the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) local mitigation planning initiative is focused at the parish level, and
WHEREAS, when incorporated jurisdictions exist within the parishes, their governments are encouraged to participate in the Parish mitigation planning process, and
WHEREAS, the City of Breaux Bridge participated in the preparation of the St. Martin Parish Hazard Mitigation Plan Update and supports the plan as it pertains to Breaux Bridge and the entire parish,
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Breaux Bridge that the mayor and council does hereby adopt the overall Hazard Mitigation Plan Update dated November 2021.
This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
By motion of Alderman Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Alderman Neil Melancon, the above Resolution was adopted by the following vote on this 11th day of January 11, 2022:
YEAS: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Ernest Ledet, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc
NAYS: None
AND THIS RESOLUTION was declared adopted as of the 11th day of January, 2022.
Signed: ________________________________________________
Ricky J. Calais, Mayor, City of Breaux Bridge
I, Kristi LeBlanc, City Clerk of the City of Breaux Bridge, do hereby certify that the above is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Breaux Bridge on January 11, 2022, at which time a quorum was present and voting.
Upon motion Ernest Ledet, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen was adjourned.
___________________________________ ______________________________
Kristi LeBlanc, CMC Ricky Calais
City Clerk Mayor