March 2023


Mayor Ricky Calais called the meeting to order, the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance were recited.

PRESENT:  Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Albert Menard, Neil Melancon and Eddy LeBlanc.


Monthly budget-to-actual comparisons of the General Funds, Sales Tax Funds, Park and Recreation Fund, and Utility Funds were distributed to the councilmen and Mayor.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Eddy LeBlanc and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the amendment of Item #9 of the agenda: “Consider the recommendation from Chief LeBlanc to hire one patrol officer.”  The change was as follows:
“Consider the recommendation from Chief LeBlanc to hire two patrol officers.”

At the request of Alderman Melancon and, upon motion of Scotty Borel, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen added the following items to the agenda:

            Item # 11. Discuss plans to create a limestone parking lot behind City Hall for Downtown parking access.

            Item #12. Presentation of bond proposal options.

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Neil Melancon and unanimously carried, the minutes of the February 14, 2023 meeting were approved.

Mayor Calais announced that Item #10 would be taken up at this time.

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen opened a public hearing regarding the recommendation of the Zoning Commission to deny a request to rezone a lot Parcel ID#05902C4420 located at the corner of Rees Street Extension and Julie Street from R-1, Residential 1, to R-5, Residential 5.

Mayor Calais explained that neither he nor the Board pursued this issue. Alderman Breaux explained that he had sent a letter to gauge public opinion on this issue and the Planning and Zoning Commission member pursued it further.

Comments were opened to the public. 

The developer of the proposed business explained that the development he plans to build would not be low-income or HUD-assisted housing.  He stated that the structure would be townhomes in the price range of $350,000-$400,000. Some residents stated that they had not been informed of the specifics of this development.

Mayor Calais stated that the request on the table was to rezone the property to R-5,  which means that anything in that zone category would be allowable on that property. He expressed his concern that there would be no way for the City or neighboring residents to stop a developer from building other, not-discussed structures on that property as long as it conformed to the R-5 zoning regulations.  

Mayor Calais explained that this public hearing is the second part of a two-part process. The request first goes to the Planning and Zoning Board who makes the initial recommendation.  That recommendation then goes to the City Council for approval or denial. The Planning and Zoning Board denied the request to rezone this property from R-1 to R-5.

A resident of the neighboring subdivision raised concerns about the potential traffic issues that this development would create and also the concern that the developer was not present at the initial meeting to explain what his plans were for developing the property.

A resident of North Bridge subdivision suggested that the City Council mandate that only the owner of a property could request a rezone.  Mayor Calais explained that this is the requirement, however, someone can make the request on behalf of the owner with their permission, as happened in this case.

Mr. Ellis Reed of North Bridge Subdivision explained that when someone buys a house or land in a particular subdivision, they do so knowing the surrounding zones.  He cited Atchafalaya Trace Subdivision as an example.  He stated that the front of this subdivision is zoned commercial, therefore, the residents who buy homes or property in this subdivision do so with the knowledge that at some point a commercial business could be placed at the entrance of their subdivision.  He further stated that the residents of North Bridge subdivision bought their homes or property under the impression that the zone in front of their subdivision would remain Residential-1 and would likely be developed as such.

Several residents of North Bridge expressed concerns over drainage and traffic issues as well as obstructed views of the road that a tall structure would create.

            Alderman Melancon explained that he attended the initial Planning and Zoning meeting and expressed that he thought the developer having a presence at that meeting to explain his intentions would have gone a long way to assuaging concerns. He also expressed that the Council may have some work to do to improve the Ordinances regulating these types of issues.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen closed the public hearing regarding the recommendation of the Zoning Commission to deny a request to rezone a lot Parcel ID#05902C4420 located at the corner of Rees Street Extension and Julie Street from R-1, Residential 1, to R-5, Residential 5.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Albert Menard, the Board of Aldermen accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board to deny the request to rezone a lot Parcel ID#05902C4420 located at the corner of Rees Street Extension and Julie Street from R-1, Residential 1, to R-5, Residential 5, with a roll call vote taken as follows:

            Yeas: Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Albert Menard, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc
            Nays: None
            Abstain: None

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen opened a public hearing for Ordinance #2283 (An Ordinance to contract the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge as proposed in the Petition filed on behalf of Mr. Thomas Huval and Mrs. Velma Huval with the City under letter dated January 16, 2023 respecting 5.080 acres of vacant land located at 2499 Rees Street Extension, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 70517).

City Attorney, Bart Hebert explained that the parcel of land in question is a vacant lot located on the northern border of the City’s limits. He attained certification from the assessor’s office that this property does not have any residents or registered voters living on it. He further explained that all the proper public notices had been published and no objections were raised by citizens or the Parish Government.

Councilman Menard raised a question about adjacent property owners no longer being protected by the City’s Ordinances regulating this piece of property.

Mr. Hebert and Mayor Calais explained that the proposed development of the land was not an issue with the City, however, the landowner wanted a configuration that would not work within the zoning regulations, and they did not want the road to be public. 

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, and there being no further input, the Board of Aldermen closed the public hearing for Ordinance #2283.

Upon motion of Ryan Breaux, duly seconded by Eddy LeBlanc, and carried, with there being one abstention by Alderman Menard, the Board of Aldermen adopted Ordinance #2283 (An Ordinance to contract the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge as proposed in the Petition filed on behalf of Mr. Thomas Huval and Mrs. Velma Huval with the City under letter dated January 16, 2023 respecting 5.080 acres of vacant land located at 2499 Rees Street Extension, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 70517).


An ordinance to contract the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge as proposed in the Petition filed on behalf of Mr. Thomas Huval and Mrs. Velma Huval with the City under letter dated January 16, 2023 respecting 5.080 acres of vacant land located at 2499 Rees Street Extension, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 70517.

            WHEREAS, petition for the contraction of the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana (the “City”) to remove the below described property therefrom has been submitted to the City, to wit:

That certain lot or parcel of ground together with all buildings and improvements thereon and thereunto, and all of the rights, ways, privileges, advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging and appertaining, being known and situated in Section 112, Township 8 South Range 5 East, Ease side of Bayou Teche, Fourth Ward, within the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, containing 5.080 acres, more or less, designated as “LOT 1” on that plat of survey prepared by Michael J. Breaux, R.P.L.S. No. 4497, dated March 26, 2015, a copy of which is attached to Act of Cash Sale recorded June 6, 2015 under Entry No. 488097 of the records of St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, the said property having such further measurements, dimensions, shape, form, boundaries, location and configuration as shown on the referenced plat of survey (the “Subject Property”).

WHEREAS, the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City is a vacant tract of land that is contiguous with the eastern boundary of the City;

WHEREAS, the City has examined the plat of survey of the area of the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City, and approves same;

WHEREAS, the City has approved the above referenced legal description of the area of the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City;

WHEREAS, the City has obtained certification from the St. Martin Parish Assessor that there are no resident property owners within the area of the Subject Property, and the aforementioned petition contains the signatures of one hundred (100%) percent of the non-resident property owners within the area of the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City;

WHEREAS, the City has obtained certification from the St. Martin Parish Assessor that the said petition contains the signatures of property owners who own one hundred (100%) percent in value of the land owned by all property owners relative to the area of the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City;

WHEREAS, the City has secured certification from the Registrar of Voters for St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, that there are no registered voters residing in the area of the Subject Property proposed to be removed from the corporate limits of the City;

WHEREAS, publication of a notice of the filing of the aforesaid petition for contraction of the corporate limits of the City has been duly advertised in the Teche News on January 18, 2023;

WHEREAS, said petition and the certificates of the St. Marin Parish Assessor and Registrar of Voters of St. Martin Parish, along with the Affidavit of the Publisher of the Teche News, a newspaper of general circulation throughout the City and St. Martin Parish, have been filed with the Clerk of the City, and, copies of all of the foregoing were presented to the Board of Aldermen of the City at a duly advertised and called public hearing held at City Hall at a meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen duly convened in regular session on the 14th day of March, 2023;

WHEREAS, more than ten (10) days have elapsed since the publication of said notice of receipt of the petition hereinabove referred to, and the City has not received any objections to the proposed contraction of the corporate limits of the City;

WHEREAS, the City has determined that all of the mandates specified by La. R.S. 33:171, et. seq., have been met relative to the contraction of corporate limits of the City to remove therefrom the area of the Subject Property in question.

            NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, duly convened in regular session on the 14th day of March, 2023, that:

            The corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, are hereby contracted to remove the following described property from said corporate limits, to wit: 

That certain lot or parcel of ground together with all buildings and improvements thereon and thereunto, and all of the rights, ways, privileges, advantages and appurtenances thereto belonging and appertaining, being known and situated in Section 112, Township 8 South Range 5 East, Ease side of Bayou Teche, Fourth Ward, within the corporate limits of the City of Breaux Bridge, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, containing 5.080 acres, more or less, designated as “LOT 1” on that plat of survey prepared by Michael J. Breaux, R.P.L.S. No. 4497, dated March 26, 2015, a copy of which is attached to Act of Cash Sale recorded June 6, 2015 under Entry No. 488097 of the records of St. Martin Parish, Louisiana, the said property having such further measurements, dimensions, shape, form, boundaries, location and configuration as shown on the referenced plat of survey.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Mayor for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, be and is hereby authorized, directed, and empowered to execute any and all documents which may be necessary to effectuate the above and foregoing edicts.

            BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable, and if any provision, word, phrase, or clause of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof.

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall become effective as provided by law, including but not limited to La. R.S. 33:173. 

UPON MOTION of Ryan Breaux seconded by Eddy LeBlanc, and upon verification and assurance that the foregoing ordinance was:

  1. Introduced on February 14, 2023, at the regular meeting of the 
    Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana;
  2. Disseminated to the Mayor and all Aldermen;
  3. Published, by title, in the official journal of the City of Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, together with notice of the time and place of its consideration for formal adoption; and
  4. Presented at a public hearing held on the 14th day of March, 2023, the Board of Aldermen, on the 14th day of March, 2023, adopted Ordinance Number 2283 by virtue of the following votes:

YEAS:                        Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc

NAYS:                        None

ABSENT:                   None


ATTEST:                                                                     APPROVED:



Date:                                                                           Date:                                                   

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Scotty Borel, and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved a resolution approving the submission of the 2023 Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Environmental Audit Report.



BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Breaux Bridge informs Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality that the following actions were taken by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen:

1.         Reviewed the Municipal Water Pollution Prevention Environmental Audit Report, which is attached to this Resolution.

On roll call, the above Resolution was adopted as follows:

YEAS:    Ryan Breaux, Scotty Borel, Albert Menard, Neil Melancon, Eddy LeBlanc   

            NAYS:   None    

            ABSTAINED:     None

            ABSENT: None

Ricky J. Calais, Mayor



Kristi LeBlanc, City Clerk


I certify that the following Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting held on March 14, 2023, at which meeting a quorum was present and voting

Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, this 14th day of March, 2023.


Kristi LeBlanc, City Clerk

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Scotty Borel and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the recommendation of Chief LeBlanc to hire the following patrol officers: Thomas Granger and Andrew Wilson.

Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Scotty Borel and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved authorization of an engineer to assess the potential for additional city parking on the property located adjacent to City Hall.

Upon motion of Neil Melancon, duly seconded by Albert Menard and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the authorization of City Attorney Hebert to contact and coordinate with the City’s bonding attorney to present the City’s options as regards to bonding capacity.

Upon motion of Albert Menard, duly seconded by Ryan Breaux and unanimously carried, the Board of Aldermen approved the meeting to be adjourned.

_______________________________                                  ______________________________

Kristi LeBlanc, CMC                                                               Ricky J. Calais
City Clerk                                                                                 Mayor